SGD Einsendeaufgabe EFB02R - XS3 - A07 // Note 1

SGD Einsendeaufgabe EFB02R - XS3 - A07 // Note 1 Cover - SGD Einsendeaufgabe EFB02R - XS3 - A07 // Note 1 2.40
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Englisch für den Beruf II

Die Einsendeaufgabe wurde im Oktober 2019 mit Note 1 bewertet.

Meine Lösung zu Aufgabe 5 (der geforderte kurze, persönliche Aufsatz zu einem Werbeclip) habe ich herausgenommen und ist NICHT Bestandteil der hier angebotenen ESA!!!

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1. Prepositions of time.
a) Complete the following sentences with a preposition of time or the adverb ago. Use a different word for each sentence.
1. Did you notice that Tom fell asleep _____________ the meeting?
2. I have known Paula _________________we were at school.
3. It's now five o'clock. We've been waiting ___________ three hours.
4. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon _________
21 July 1969.
5. Shall we meet at noon and discuss it __________________ lunch?
6. She travelled overnight and arrived _________ 6 o'clock in London.
7. The price of electricity is going up _________________ October.
b) Complete the sentences with an expression from the box. Use each expression only once.
Be careful - there is one expression which you will not need.
1. Anne is not in the office; she became seriously ill _____________.
2. It's _________________________ I last saw Mr Johnson.
3. The Beatles were performing _________________.
4. The course begins on 7 July and ends next year ______________.
5. The shop is closed __________________________.
6. They arrived for today's meeting _____________________.
7. We haven't had a proper holiday _____________________.
8. Work on the Gothic cathedral in Ely began __________________.
je 1 Punkt = 15 Pkt.

2. Adjectives and adverbs.
a) Change the following adjectives into adverbs:
1. bad __________
2. good __________
3. heavy __________
4. reasonable __________
5. skilful __________
b) Put the adverb in the right place in the sentence:
1. He has been awfully nice to me. (always) _____________
2. Please speak in the reading room. (quietly) _____________
3. Ruth speaks three languages. (fluently) ______________
4. Sam takes work home. (never) ______________
5. Write your name on the first page. (clearly)_____________
c) Adjective or adverb. Which is right?
1. Adam, please don't talk so _________________ I can't understand
what you are saying. (quick/quickly)
2. Don't use this tool. It doesn't look ________________ (safe/safely)
3. I want to change jobs. I'm looking for something _____________
4. Mr Walker speaks so __________, I think he must be deaf. (loud/
5. We bought an incredibly expensive computer last week which
works ___________________ (perfect/perfectly)
d) Are the underlined words right or wrong? Write OK or correct the sentence where necessary.
1. Gregory is tired because he's been working hardly. ________
2. Have you read any interesting report lately? ________
3. She had plenty of time, so she was driving slowly. ________
4. Sue's computer monitor is direct in front of her on her desk. _____
5. Turn rightly at the next traffic lights. ________
e) Complete the following sentences. Use the adjective in brackets in its
comparative or superlative form. Don't forget to use the or than where
1. AQA Pharmaceuticals are our ____________ customer. (important)
2. Carol did ______________________ than Edith in the test. (good)
3. It's _______________________ today than it was yesterday. (cold)

Weitere Information: 28.09.2024 - 00:01:52
  Kategorie: Wirtschaft
Eingestellt am: 01.05.2020 von Gunnar91
Letzte Aktualisierung: 14.09.2021
0 Bewertung
Bisher verkauft: 4 mal
Bisher aufgerufen: 1169 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EFB02R-XS3-A07 - N01 - N01
Benotung: 1
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