Einsendeaufgabe Homework Assignment ENGG03-XX1-K02

Einsendeaufgabe Homework Assignment ENGG03-XX1-K02 Cover - Einsendeaufgabe Homework Assignment ENGG03-XX1-K02 2.00
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Englisch Green Line – Oberstufe

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1. Over the mountains my true love waits
Tashi, a famous Bhutanese actor, has just returned from Hollywood.

a) Comprehension:
1) Summarise what Tashi and Karma are talking about. Write 80–100 words.
2) Describe in your own words Tashi’s feelings after he has returned. Write 120– 140 words.
b) Analysis:
1) Characterise Tashi. Write around 180 words.
2) Examine the descriptions of Los Angeles and Thimphu. How do these descrip- tions contribute to the atmosphere of the text? Write about 180 words.
c) Evaluation:
“He did not feel like he was wholly inside this little valley anymore” (l. 85). Dis- cuss whether experiencing different cultures and lifestyles in a globalised world enriches one’s identity or inevitably leads to a loss of identity. Write about 300 words.

Oral assignment
Go to the Science and utopia section on the CD-ROM and listen to the recording: The latest technology. Four different forms of technology are mentioned.

a) b)
Name each one and outline the opinions about each one given in the recording. Talk about each one for about 2 minutes.
Give a two-minute talk on the last one which includes the following:
• • • •
your opinion about them
the sort of information you would like them to provide you with their advantages and disadvantages
what the possible consequences of using them might be
Weitere Information: 06.04.2024 - 20:16:48
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 03.04.2021 von Abitur-Henry
Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.04.2021
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Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: ENGG03-XX1-K02
Benotung: 1
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