Einsendeaufgabe Homework Assignment EngM 6 / 0214 A11

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Englisch Lifestyles

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Please read the following text carefully and then answer the questions that follow. You should spend about THREE HOURS on the complete test.

Part A: Comprehension

Please answer in complete sentences.
1. Write your own definition of the concept of timeshare.
2. What is the connection between a famous 18th-century novelist and the con- cept of timeshare?
3. What can affect the individual cost of timeshare?
4. Why does the cost of a timeshare property not end with its purchase?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of holiday?
6. How does the Hapimag scheme differ from other timeshare concepts?
Part B: Translation
Please translate into German the last two sentences of the text. Part C: Vocabulary
At the end of each of the following sentences you will see a noun or verb which needs to be changed into an adjective by adding a prefix or suffix or both. Just write down these adjectives.

Part D I: Grammar
Replace the words in italics by a single adverb of equivalent meaning.

Part D II: Grammar
Read the following story carefully and fill the gaps with a suitable word. Just write the number of the gap and the missing word.

Part E: Comment
Please answer ONE of the following questions. Write about 250 words.

1. Describe some of your personal vices (= Laster) and/or virtues (= Tugenden). Which aspects of your lifestyle are you happiest with and which would you most want to change?
2. Write about your favourite leisure activity.
Mention the following: the reason(s) you like it, the positive / negative aspects of this activity and any interesting experiences you have had whilst doing this activity.
3. People like Ian Mucklejohn (Unit 4) are examples of older people who have fulfilled their desire to have children. What do you think are the disadvan- tages and possible advantages for the children concerned of having parents in their fifties, or even older?
Weitere Information: 07.05.2024 - 01:59:25
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 03.04.2021 von Abitur-Henry
Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.04.2021
0 Bewertung
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EngM 6 / 0214 A11
Benotung: 2
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