EngM 5 Korrigiert Note 2,0 Englisch Einsendeaufgabe ILS

EngM 5 Korrigiert Note 2,0 Englisch Einsendeaufgabe ILS Cover - EngM 5 Korrigiert Note 2,0 Englisch Einsendeaufgabe ILS 2.22
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Man and Technology - Einsendeaufgabe Englisch im Abitur der ILS Hamburg

Note: 2,0 mit Korrektur, Handschriftlich

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Only a few hundred miles from the North Pole, the Ny Alesund research centre
on Norway’s Svalbard archipelago is one of the most northerly permanent
research bases in the world. Here, climate change scientists have been able to
observe at first hand the effects of global warming on one of the most desolate
landscapes on earth. Their observations confirm that the Arctic ice cap is melt-
ing, and at a rate that is outstripping scientific predictions.
In the past 100 years, winter temperatures in the Arctic have risen by about
2 degrees Celsius. By comparison, average temperatures across the rest of the
world have increased by about 0.6 degrees over the same period. This warming
is already having serious consequences. Inuit people in Greenland and Canada
are finding that they cannot hunt in their traditional manner because the ice
is too thin to hold their sleds. Arctic wildlife, including polar bears, walruses
and foxes, are in danger as much of their habitats disappear.
However, the consequences do not stop there. The effects of rapid melting of
the Arctic could also be felt by the rest of the world. The most obvious impact
of the melting would be on sea levels. If the Arctic cap melts, this should not
of itself cause sea levels to rise. The Arctic ice cap does not rest on solid
ground, but floats. Because ice takes up more room than water, when it melts
it should not increase sea levels, in the same way that an ice cube melting in
a full glass of water does not cause the glass to overflow. But the Greenland
ice sheet, most of which falls within the Arctic Circle, does rest on solid
ground and it too is melting. If it were to melt entirely, sea levels would rise
by about eight metres – more than enough to drown many coastal cities.
And as the Arctic melts, so does the Antarctic. Much of the southern ice cap
also rests on land. If the west Antarctic ice sheet were to melt, sea levels
would rise by six metres. That is unlikely to happen within the next fifty
years, but even if sea levels rose by just one metre, this could still have severe
consequences in many parts of the world.
Scientists also warn that the melting of the Arctic ice cannot be seen in isola-
tion. At present, the polar ice caps reflect a proportion of the sun’s energy back
into space, keeping the world slightly cooler than it would otherwise be. This
is known as the earth’s albedo – its reflectivity. When the ice melts, it exposes
darker sea or land. This reflects less sunlight, and so the earth absorbs more
heat.© Fernstudienzentrum Hamburg
Vocabulary Notes
Part One
For each of the following answers formulate the most appropriate question.
1. Only a few hundred miles from the North Pole.
2. About two degrees Celsius.
3. Because the ice is too thin to hold their sleds.
4. By about eight metres.
5. To reflect a proportion of the sun’s energy back into space.
6. The Gulf Stream.
7. 21,000 years ago.
8. Icy winters in the British Isles.
Part Two
Look at the following statements and decide whether each is TRUE or FALSE,
according to the information given in the text.
1. The Ny Alesund research centre monitors global patterns of climate change.
In addition, it is feared that a pronounced melting of the Greenland ice sheet
could upset the balance of the thermohaline circulation, a massive global sys-
tem of ocean currents, of which the Gulf stream forms a part. If this happened,
Europe would freeze, as its climate is currently kept mild by the Gulf Stream.
But even if this were not to happen, there could be other knock-on effects from
the melting of the poles on the earth’s ocean currents, winds and weather sys-
tems that at present are poorly understood.
Geological records show that at the peak of the last ice age, which took place
21,000 years ago, average sea levels were 120 metres lower than they are today
and that when the ice sheets melted, the oceans rose by only one metre a cen-
tury. There is every indication that in the 21 st century the rate of melting
would be much faster and would proceed from higher sea levels than previ-
Signs of significant climate change are already apparent throughout the planet.
Icy winters are becoming more common in the British Isles just as the fre-
quency and intensity has increased of devastating hurricanes, typhoons and
cyclones for people living closer to the Equator. The future certainly does not
look enticing.
to outstrip (l. 7) to move faster than
habitats (l. 14) Lebensräume
knock-on effects (l. 40) Kettenreaktionen
enticing (l. 53) inviting© Fernstudienzentrum Hamburg
2. In the past century temperatures have risen faster in the rest of the world
than in the Arctic.
3. The Arctic and Antarctic ice caps are very similar.
4. Many centres of population along coastlines would be under threat if the
Greenland ice sheet melted completely.
5. Even a slight increase in sea levels is likely to have a major global impact.
6. Where there is less ice, more solar warmth will be absorbed.
7. Scientists have produced considerable evidence to show how the earth’s ocean
currents, winds and weather systems are closely linked.
8. When the previous ice age ended, the consequences for sea levels were less
serious than the next meltdown is feared to be.
Part One
The following verbs or verb forms occur in the text. What are the corresponding
1. observe
2. risen/rose
3. disappear
4. cause
5. drown
6. reflects
Part Two
Give a one-word synonym for each of the following words that occur in the text.
1. desolate (l. 5)
2. rate (l. 7 & 46)
3. effects (l. 15)
4. takes up (l. 19)
5. unlikely (l. 27)
6. exposes (l. 33)
7. pronounced (l. 36)
8. indication (l. 46)
Part Three
Each of the words in the following groups has occurred at least once before in the
different units of this book. Which is the only preposition which can follow on
directly from each of those words? For each group the preposition is always the
same.© Fernstudienzentrum Hamburg
1. task, shape, part, collapse
2. variations, effects, focus, based
3. adjusted, addicted, unrelated, react
4. infused, assist, believe, role
5. vital, needed, cravings, implications
6. worried, advice, interesting, information
7. afflicted, caused, dictated, followed
8. good, aimed, potent, underweight
9. plumbed, converted, slams, turn
10. coincided, associated, concerned, familiar
Part One
Make the following sentences passive, using the agent only when strictly necessary.
1. We use computers in many different ways.
2. They are building a new bridge across the river.
3. Martin has created a sensational poster for the concert.
4. Someone has stolen our espresso machine.
5. You can see the next village from the top of that hill.
6. The suspect has given the police a lot of information.
7. Many people lose their lives on those cliffs every year.
8. They will complete that power station by next April.
9. Everybody thinks that Tariq will succeed Chandeep as our next boss.
10. My partner gave me a gift voucher for my birthday.
Part Two
In each of the following sentences put the verb given in brackets into the correct
form, using either the gerund (-ing form) or the to-infinitive.
1. The whole family is looking forward to __________ on holiday next week. (go)
2. My brother has given up __________ sugar in tea. (take)
3. The driver stopped __________ with petrol. (fill up)
4. Would you mind __________ me? I can’t seem to find my keys. (help)
5. Please remember __________ some extra loaves of French bread for the party.
6. I would suggest __________ a dry white wine with this meal. (drink)© Fernstudienzentrum Hamburg
7. We have arranged __________ our friends outside the stadium. (meet)
8. We regret __________ you that your recent job application has not been suc-
cessful. (inform)
9. My sister wants __________ with me. (move in)
10. Mario enjoyed __________ on a ranch during his summer holidays. (work)
Part Three
For each of the gaps in the following sentences you need to choose either the zero
article, the definite article (the) or the indefinite article (a/an). You need to write
out the complete sentence in each case.
1. I'm reading ________ excellent book at ________ moment. It is ________ sci-
ence-fiction novel. ________ story is set in ________ future and is all about
________ man who becomes ________ President of ________ United States.
2. We’re spending our next holiday in ________ Turkey. We’re travelling as part
of ________ group drawn from ________ local trade-union organisations.
3. Where is ________ nearest bank? – Down ________ street and take ________
first turning on ________ left.
4. We need to protect ________ environment for ________ sake of ________ future
5. My sister is ________ biologist. She has been passionately interested in
________ nature since she was ________ little girl.
6. In this region ________ most people work in ________ engineering sector.
7. Do you like ________ stunning landscapes? Have you been to ________ Alps or
________ Rocky Mountains? And how about ________ Grand Canyon?
8. It is quite easy to tell ________ difference between ________ butter and
________ margarine, don’t you think?© Fernstudienzentrum Hamburg
Section D: Comment
Choose ONE of the following questions. You should write about 250 words.
1. Which invention or scientific discovery has brought you the greatest pleasure
in your life? How would your life have been different without it?
2. Medical science has enabled many people to survive when they would other-
wise have been dead; medical science has enabled people to live their lives
without constant chronic pain; and medical science has enabled people to use special techniques like in-vitro fertilisation, which has brought happiness to previously childless couples. Which three aspects of medical science, or specific advances in this field, do you regard as especially significant?
3. Although some people are still very sceptical, the general consensus is that climate change is taking place and that this is largely man-made. What do you
think needs to be done by politicians, nations and individuals in order to correct this development?
Weitere Information: 09.04.2024 - 00:33:13
  Kategorie: Abitur und Hochschule
Eingestellt am: 19.08.2022 von chrisis
Letzte Aktualisierung: 21.08.2022
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Bisher aufgerufen: 231 mal
Prüfungs-/Lernheft-Code: EngM 5
Benotung: 2
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